Open Water | June 7, 2015 - 09:16 40 days, 2860 kilometers and after 900,000 paddles strikes per person and arrived at the Black Sea. Then on the way back the kayak fell over, we ran out of gasoline and the horseflies are tweaking. Through the channels and lakes | June 6, 2015 - 12:52 The Vitéz Kürtős Team has arrived to the finish line, on the 39th day of the tour we paddled in the UNESCO World Heritage Danube Delta. At the entrance of the Danube Delta | June 4, 2015 - 07:51 Today we arrived to Tulcea. We are 70 kilometers away from the sea in direct distance, however, we have to take a bit more than this to get to our final destination. Brăila and Galați | June 4, 2015 - 07:36 Cruise vessels, Dutch shipyard and maturation of a mayfly were attractions. Yesterday we were camping next to a town called Stanca. Sztoji found an excellent place for the night again, between the poplars. The stalk of the cut trees on the bank of the Danube used to be a natural pier to help the entry and exit from the boats. Rerouting | June 4, 2015 - 06:48 Yesterday thought, if we were at the Feteşti bridge, we will paddle form the Borcea branch to the main branch at Cernavoda. La Elena | June 2, 2015 - 18:33 Last night we experienced the nice hospitality of the Romanian people. They baked a delicious bream to us, we ate it all quickly. Ruse and Giurgiu | May 31, 2015 - 20:23 Today we paddled through between a couple towns. Ruse is a big city with 163.000 inhabitants on the Bulgarian side on the bank. Giurgiu is much smaller, with its 69.000 inhabitants on the Romanian side. It only has its port on the bank of the Danube, the town could not be seen from the river. We arrived to the Olt estuary | May 31, 2015 - 20:12 It comes from our home, from Harghita county, and 615 kilometers later it spills into the Danube, which we will know with it’s every kilometer. Gaspar’s Island | May 27, 2015 - 20:38 Today we ended up on an untouched sandy beach to rest a bit. The first marks on the beach were ours in the sand. After the recent rain for sure. Almost marathon by kayak and some other goodies | May 26, 2015 - 23:09 In today's first section we had to paddle in face wind, big waves and in continuous rain. It would not have much sense to rest in the rain, and we did not feel like getting out from the kayak to shiver on the coast, so we paddled until the sun came out. It was 41 kilometers. Over 2000 kilometers | May 25, 2015 - 21:34 Today we passed the 860-mile river's signs, so we are already above 2,000 kilometers. We are getting close to the sea, but we still have to go. At the Iron Gate again | May 25, 2015 - 21:22 We took out the kayak from the Danube above at the Iron Gate on the 8th of August last year and today we take it back below. The fifty-fifth lift lasted 9 months. Sponsors and humanitarian partners Afrikai-Magyar Egyesület (AHU) AUTOKART | autósport és gokart Autogroup Simó, Székelyudvarhely Demaco Autócentrum, Székelyudvarhely Eolex Production, Székelykeresztúr Hargita Line, Székelykeresztúr Hotel Küküllő ***, Székelyudvarhely MÜTF Oktatási Központ, Székelyudvarhely Orbán Balázs Gimnázium, Székelykeresztúr |